Article on Gratitude—Saved Through the Flood

By Li Cheng

My wife and I are believers of the Lord Jesus. The Bible says: “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content” (1 Ti 6:8). Although I knew these words accord with the Lord’s requirements, I still wanted to get rich in this rapidly developing society, so I cultivated black soil farmland on floodplains near the mountain in the village, often risking my life to work. I then had narrowly escaped from death. In the midst of danger, the Lord Jesus saved me. His salvation is engraved on my mind!

Flood Came, Nowhere to Hide

The year was 2014, my farmland on floodplains was finally cultivated into fertile black soil fields. In order to make a profit as soon as possible, I planted corns and they grew very well. I was very glad that my hard work could be paid off. However, during the dog days, there had been no rain and dozens of acres of corn were yellowed from green, dying from drought. I thought: In this way, not only there will be no profit, but I will even lose my start-up capital. So I waited anxiously for rain everyday. On the noon of July 4, the weather was gloomy, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, and there was heavy rain and wind. I was so excited and thought: There must be heavy rains in the mountains as well. The flood is coming soon, I must not miss the chance to water the crops. So I quickly put on my raincoat and headed to the reservoir. Just walking past the river channel (about 984 feet wide and 10 feet deep), I saw waves more than ten feet tall in the channel rolling into my reservoir. The water rose rapidly in the river channel and overflowed the dam instantly, and in the blink of an eye my reservoir was full.

I realized it was becoming dangerous, the flood this year was fiercer than any other year. I panicked and hurried to the top of the mountain. I looked around and saw a 3 feet gravel pile in between the reservoir and the river channel, so I quickly ran up to it. As I just got my feet stable, strong wind with hail and raindrops hit me right away. I squatted on the gravel pile, holding tightly onto a shovel. I put the shovel blade on my head and hail was pelting down on it, creating loud noises. Meanwhile, the sky turned pitch black and nothing could be seen around me. With wind blowing violently, the freezing cold rain slipped down from my neck into my clothes, my whole body was in pain and numb hitting by the hail. Getting weaker and weaker because of the rain, hail, and cold wind, I was very afraid and my heart was in my mouth. I thought: If the wind gets stronger, I will be blown to the river channel and die without question. The more I thought about it, the more afraid I got. I was shivering as I kept on praying to the Lord: “O Lord, save me! I can’t endure it anymore. My life is in Your hands, and whether I’m dead or alive I’m willing to submit to Your arrangements.” After praying, I was reassured a little. After about 20 minutes, the hail stopped, the wind had moderated, thunder faded away and the sky became brighter.

Crying Out to the Lord in Raging Waves

I thought I was safe, but when I wiped off the rain on my face I saw something even more terrible: I was four meters away from the river channel. The raging river water rushed toward me waves after waves. My reservoir was washed away by the flood leaving only the dam. The gravel pile I was standing on was like a small island in the middle of the sea, and the turbulent flood water surrounded me. The gravel pile was flooded with just a little bit left, I had nowhere to go! This was the greatest flood I had ever seen in 50 years. I was really terrified! At this point I felt I had no hope of survival. I thought: I’m doomed! Even if I were not blown into the flood by the strong wind, I would be swept away by waves. I couldn’t help and cried out to the Lord: “O Lord! Save me! O Lord! Save me!”

Every minute on the gravel pile felt like forever, my heart was filled with fear and despair. Only at this moment, I truly felt that life is precious. If I was swept away by the flood, I would not earn any money but losing my life. I prayed to the Lord silently: “Lord, I only worked hard to earn money in the past but I did not put in effort to read Your words or attend gatherings. If I’m able to survive through this, I will definitely put in effort to be a good believer!” After praying I felt much calmer, I knew the Lord is my reliance, I must have faith in Him. Today, although I was surrounded by the raging flood, whether I would be washed away by it or whether I would be dead or alive were all determined by the Lord. Realizing this I was not so afraid as before.

The Lord Saved Me at Life-and-Death Moment

I kept praying to the Lord in my heart. After a few minutes, something unexpected happened. The flood around me was smaller and the waves were much lower than before. I looked down and realized most of the gravels on the pile I was standing on were washed away, and the place I stood at was not. I was very excited and I knew it was the Lord’s protection for me. I couldn’t help but thank the Lord ceaselessly. I witnessed the Lord’s wonderful deeds with my own eyes in just a few minutes. I was face to face with death but I was unscathed and not washed away by the turbulent flood. The Lord must have heard my prayers and saved me.

When I looked far into the distance, I saw the flood at the opposite was still raging. My neighbor’s dam that lasted for over ten years was destroyed in an instant. His 5 acres of gourd were all washed away. However, the small gravel pile I stood on was so firm. I knew it was all the Lord’s wonderful deeds. He was caring for and protecting me. At this moment, I felt the Lord’s loveliness, I’m very grateful and at the same time I truly experienced that: With the Lord, wind and rain will not attack us. With the Lord, we do not have to worry about disasters. With the Lord, death dare not come near.

Peaceful and Reassured With the Lord’s Protection

It was ten at night, I was cold and hungry. The surrounding flood had not completely receded, then I thought of the railway, through which I could cross the river channel on the mountainside, so I plodded my way with my heavy boots. It took me more than an hour to return home. After I entered home, my wife saw that I had mud all over my body and said concernedly: “I was so worried that you would be washed away by the flood, it seems like you just came out from it.” I told her about the Lord’s wonderful deeds I saw, and she said happily: “Thank the Lord a lot for saving you from such a big flood!”

The next day, the flood completely receded. I stood by the river channel, looking at the huge mess, dead sheep, gourd…. I couldn’t help but be afraid: In such a terrible situation happened yesterday, if the flood prolonged for another few minutes, I would definitely have been washed away. How could I be still standing here safe and sound today? In this encounter, I personally experienced that money is useless when we face disasters, only the Lord’s care and protection can make us live in assurance, peace and joy.

Grateful for the Lord’s Grace, Repay His Love

Afterward, I saw the Lord Jesus said: “And he said to them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses” (Luk 12:15). “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mat 16:26) The Lord had warned us not to be greedy for money, but I still risked my life to cultivate black soil farmland to make money, almost losing my life in the flood, if not for the Lord’s protection. I’m full of gratitude to the Lord in my heart. This experience showed me how fragile and helpless we are when facing disasters, and even if we have huge amounts of money, it can’t save us. Only by believing in and following the Lord will we live the true human life.

Thereafter, I attend gatherings and do my duty actively in the church. Although I’m not wealthy, I live an enriched life and feel comforted in my spirit. Through this experience I did not only experience the Lord’s wonderful protection, but I also have true faith in the Lord. I’m willing to follow the Lord to the end and repay His love!


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