Lord’s Love Led Me Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

By Qian Jin  “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me” (Psalms 23:4). I’m a Christian. I worked in a hotel. One day in the summer of 1997, I had just finished my lunch when three thirty-year-old policemen sprang before me. One of them pointed at me and said: “You, come with us!” Not knowing what had happened, … Read More Lord’s Love Led Me Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Taking up the Cross and Following the Lord to the End

In 1997, my wife fell seriously ill. We spent all our savings to cure her illness, but with no result. It had ever driven our life into a corner for a period of time. At that point, a friend of mine preached the gospel of the Lord Jesus to me; my wife, my two daughters, and I all accepted the gospel. From then on, we read the Bible and prayed to the Lord every day. Especially when I read the … Read More Taking up the Cross and Following the Lord to the End

A Miracle Occurred When Death Drew Near

By Zhuiqiu On March 3, 2016, I rode my electric scooter to attend a meeting after breakfast. When I got to a narrow country road, a truck that was fully loaded with bricks was reversing along it. As the road was narrow and I had no place to retreat to, I moved onto the porch of someone’s house to give way to the truck. The porch was over two meters high with three-meter-long precast slabs for its roof. I was … Read More A Miracle Occurred When Death Drew Near

God Is Our Only Reliance

In the year 1995, my two children were sick at the same time. We went everywhere to seek medical treatments but to no avail. Just as my children were almost gone, the Lord Jesus’ salvation descended upon my family. Through praying to the Lord, my children were recovering gradually. It was the Lord’s great power that saved my children from death. My whole family saw the love of the Lord and experienced His mercy and compassion, thus all of us … Read More God Is Our Only Reliance

Following the Lord Resolutely

By Chen Geng My name is Chen Geng. I believed in the Lord Jesus in 1992 and am an ordinary believer in the church. My elder brother was a famous preacher. Because he preached everywhere, he became the one to be arrested by the Chinese government. Because of my brother, I also had suffered a great many cruel persecutions from the Chinese government. Yet in its persecution, I experienced the Lord’s protection and leading, which strengthened my resolution to follow … Read More Following the Lord Resolutely

Standing Firm to Follow the Lord Until the End

By Zhansheng When in primary school, I believed in the Lord with my parents. That was just the time of the Great Cultural Revolution, when the CCP government declared all believers in the Lord Jesus as doing superstitious activities and disturbing the social order. Because of this, the local church deacons and elders were all made to wear tall hats (a tall conical hat made out of paper) and then brought to every village to parade through the streets; besides, … Read More Standing Firm to Follow the Lord Until the End

After Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Am More Resolved to Love the Lord

By Zhang Qiang Generation after generation of my family, including my parents, has believed in the Lord Jesus. When I was a child, I was seriously sick one time, so my parents prayed strenuously to the Lord, their hearts and minds as one. The might of the Lord Jesus helped me to escape death. Consequently, our neighbors all started to believe in the Lord Jesus and attend meetings at our home. We brothers and sisters read the Bible, sang hymns, … Read More After Experiencing the Suffering of Persecution, I Am More Resolved to Love the Lord

How Did a Nine-year-old Girl Survive After Accidentally Falling Into a Well

By Su He I followed my mother in believing in the Lord from when I was little. So I was a child who grew up under the Lord’s protection. Every time I read the bit in the Bible that says, “Because you have made Jehovah, which is my refuge, even the most High, your habitation; There shall no evil befall you, neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep … Read More How Did a Nine-year-old Girl Survive After Accidentally Falling Into a Well

I Will Follow the Lord All My Life (II)

At 10:30 a.m. the next day, two people from the National Security Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of my hometown got there in a car. After the local police handed me over to them, the two people handcuffed me and put me into the police vehicle. At 5:30 p.m., we arrived at the PSB station in my hometown. It was already past 6:00 p.m. when they transferred me to the detention center. Then they put me into a cell … Read More I Will Follow the Lord All My Life (II)

I Will Follow the Lord All My Life (I)

In 1981, I believed in the Lord through grace. One year later, I was promoted to be a church co-worker, and from then on, I always rushed about other places away from home, expending for the Lord. In 1984, the gospel work was extremely prosperous, and in less than six months, we had converted more than 100 people to belief in the Lord, which shocked the whole village there. Because I preached the gospel wherever I went, I was classified … Read More I Will Follow the Lord All My Life (I)