The Very Moment of My Bicycle Nearly Rushing Into the Deep Valley

By Zhang Hui, Italy It was high summer, and my five coworkers and I took a trip by bicycle to the Mountain Nankun Scenic Area. The four-day trip over, the six of us decided to cycle down the mountain. Before we set off, the leading coworker had each of our bicycles examined and told us to have the speed under control and not to fall behind. Everything well prepared, I looked around, seeing we were surrounded by mountains. In the … Read More The Very Moment of My Bicycle Nearly Rushing Into the Deep Valley

Taking Up the Cross and Pledging My Life to Follow the Lord

By Chen Xu In 1978, I believed in the Lord in the Three-Self Church. Since the state didn’t approve of our belief, we had to attend meetings cautiously and secretly. In 1980, I read from the newspaper that the policy of freedom of religious belief was introduced by the CCP. I felt very excited at this news, thinking: The policy of the state is good now and people can enjoy the freedom of religious belief. This is a good country … Read More Taking Up the Cross and Pledging My Life to Follow the Lord

God Helped Me in Dire Straits

By Gao Tai I am a Christian. Since believing in the Lord, I have received a lot of grace from the Lord. Among them, the following one is particularly the most unforgettable for me … That was midnight. I drove my motor-driven cyclecar, on which were my neighbors, a father and daughter, and their vegetables for sale, to a market. There were few cars on the road at that time. In order to reach the market earlier, I stepped on … Read More God Helped Me in Dire Straits

How to Coordinate Harmoniously With Co-workers

By Fang Min When my cousin came to my house with worry, she sighed and said to me, “I have worked in the church with Sister Chen for a while. But recently, when we dealt with problems, we could never have a unified opinion. When I talked about the east, she talked only about the west. I thought my opinions and views were clearly right, but Sister Chen always challenged me. It was hard for me to submit and accept. … Read More How to Coordinate Harmoniously With Co-workers

How to Deal With Unpleasant Things

By Xiaoqian When Job was tempted by Satan, he—the richest man in the East—became penniless overnight and was covered with boils. He was suffering from both illness and ridicule from his family and friends. But he said, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: Jehovah gave, and Jehovah has taken away; blessed be the name of Jehovah” (Job 1:21). “Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive … Read More How to Deal With Unpleasant Things

My Son Was Cured of Sudden Septicemia Without Treatment

By Fang Zheng Whenever I recalled my son’s illness when he was little, I couldn’t help but thank God from the bottom of my heart. It was God who saved my son and made my faith in God stronger. That unforgettable experience still remains fresh in my memory. The weather was very cold at the end of that year. My four-year-old son suddenly got a fever, so my husband took him to the town hospital for treatment. After some days, … Read More My Son Was Cured of Sudden Septicemia Without Treatment

Relying on God to Witness His Deeds in the Face of Difficulties

By Congcong “Commit your way to Jehovah; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). ——Epigraph I started to believe in the Lord along with my parents when I was little. Now I am a young Christian and work in the special effects industry as an intern. One time, when I was making a 3D model, I had difficulty in creating a texture mapping because the model I wanted to make had high requirements for … Read More Relying on God to Witness His Deeds in the Face of Difficulties

Have You Mastered the 3 Key Points on Reading the Bible?

By Huafei For Christians, nothing is more necessary than to read the Bible every day. But do you know how we should read the Bible to achieve results, and what attitude we should hold toward reading the Bible to gain the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Here are 3 principles. 1. Focus on Quieting Ourselves Before God in Reading the Bible God’s words say, “When the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father … Read More Have You Mastered the 3 Key Points on Reading the Bible?

Christian Testimony: My 5-Year-Old Son Fell Into a 20-Meter-Deep Well and Was Wonderfully Protected by the Lord

By Chen Moran In October 1992, not long after I first started believing in the Lord, I often brought my son, who was then four years old, to join the fellowship in the village, and we prayed together every day. Although I went to the church to join the fellowship, I still lacked faith in the Lord in my heart. I had only thirty percent faith and seventy percent doubt. It was not until I saw the power and miraculous … Read More Christian Testimony: My 5-Year-Old Son Fell Into a 20-Meter-Deep Well and Was Wonderfully Protected by the Lord

The Israelites Dying in the Wilderness Is a Warning to Us

By Li Yan Every Christian who is familiar with the Bible knows the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt. When I was reading the Bible today, I saw a passage of what Jehovah God said to Moses: “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation, which murmur against Me? I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel, which they murmur against Me. Say to them, As truly as I live, said Jehovah, as you … Read More The Israelites Dying in the Wilderness Is a Warning to Us