After My Fingers Were Seriously Injured by a Machine

By Xueting, China “Yes, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). ——Epigraph Whenever I hear someone had his finger amputated because of an accident, I can’t help but touch mine that were seriously injured and quietly reflect on the Lord Jesus’ love. But for His love, I would also have become a disabled person. At that … Read More After My Fingers Were Seriously Injured by a Machine

A Tutor Gave an Account of Her Experience of Being an Honest Person

The stillness of night had none of the clamor of the daytime, the sky was full of stars, and a breeze was blowing—as if all this was trying to help me reduce my fatigue after working. My heart began to calm down. I opened up the Bible to Proverbs 12:22, where it says, “Lying lips are abomination to Jehovah: but they that deal truly are His delight.” Yes. The people who often lie are detested and loathed by God, while … Read More A Tutor Gave an Account of Her Experience of Being an Honest Person

I Experienced This Way When I Prayed to the Lord but Received No Response

Editor’s Note: When we encounter difficulties and pray to the Lord, the Lord often opens ways out for us and helps us overcome them. But when our prayers do not gain the Lord’s answer, how should we experience our situation? The author of this article has experienced this—let’s take a look together. I remember that day when I was upstairs shelling corn and my daughter, not yet one year old, was playing beside me, she accidentally fell off the story, … Read More I Experienced This Way When I Prayed to the Lord but Received No Response

The Lord Leads Me to Forgive My Wife

Many married people are reluctant to face their partner’s pre-marital secrets, such as something about their exes and their love affairs. But if one day we accidentally discover them, how should we face it? Unfortunately, I once discovered my wife’s secrets by accident. But luckily I had the Lord’s guidance, so that I managed my relationship with my wife well. I had been married with my wife for three years. I worked to earn money and support our family and … Read More The Lord Leads Me to Forgive My Wife

My Sister-in-Law Backbit to Wrong Me—What I Was to Do

By Miaoxiao Everyone says that the difficulties in the interactions between sisters-in-law are not less than those between mothers-in-law and their daughters-in-law. Sisters-in-law frequently argue with each other, and not a few of them make enemies. What should I do when my sister-in-law backbit to wrong me? In my seeking, I found a path of practice. My husband and I ran a shop selling braised pork. Ordinarily, my husband’s younger sister wasn’t busy and after getting off work she would … Read More My Sister-in-Law Backbit to Wrong Me—What I Was to Do

Practicing Forgiveness Gained the Lord’s Blessings

By Zhou Xin One day, at four in the afternoon, I had just returned home from work when my neighbor hurriedly ran over to me and said, “Xiaoxiao (my daughter), Mengmeng (my neighbor’s daughter), and several other kids played outside my house and then began to load bricks onto a barrow with us. Unexpectedly, the front part of the barrow became heavier than the back part to the point that it was going to turn over. Seeing that, Xiaoxiao hurried … Read More Practicing Forgiveness Gained the Lord’s Blessings

How She Escaped the Attack of African Swine Fever

In August, 2018, an imposing African swine fever suddenly broke out. As it spread to China, many provinces and cities in the northeast and south of the country suffered its attack, and the spread of this disease received lots of coverage in all major media outlets. In the most affected areas, pork was pulled off the market and infected pigs were electrocuted, burned, or buried in large numbers. To those pig farmers, this plague undoubtedly came as a heavy blow, … Read More How She Escaped the Attack of African Swine Fever

My Boss Gives Me Extra Tasks But Doesn’t Give Me a Raise—What Should I Do?

By Wang Min When our bosses give us extra tasks but do not give us a raise, some people may say arrogantly, “I’ll quit the job and find a better job somewhere else.” I also used to think this way. But here is the thing: How can we be sure that our next job will be in line with our desires? Under the guidance of God’s words, I have found a great solution to this problem and changed my attitude … Read More My Boss Gives Me Extra Tasks But Doesn’t Give Me a Raise—What Should I Do?

When Facing My Nagging Mom …

By Lu Yan “Lu Yan, be cautious on the bus. There are too many pickpockets nowadays. You should be careful not to have your bank card stolen in your bag….” Since we got on the bus to the bank near my school, my mom kept nagging me. I always felt my mom’s constant chatter to be unnecessary, because I thought I was already a senior high school student and knew common sense. As a result, I disregarded what my mom … Read More When Facing My Nagging Mom …

The Aftermath of My Son’s and His Wife’s Lives Hanging by a Thread

By Suxing My son and daughter-in-law suddenly became bedridden. One day, my youngest son took my husband and me to live with him in the county. When we just arrived at his home, I wanted to have a rest immediately because I felt sleepy due to car sickness. Unexpectedly, he kept urging me to visit my eldest son, Zhiyong. Although not understanding, I still got to my eldest son’s home. It was then noon and, seeing that he and his … Read More The Aftermath of My Son’s and His Wife’s Lives Hanging by a Thread